Quality Development

Unique to all DESMOND products is our award-winning quality assurance package - in keeping with the DESMOND style and philosophy this is called the Quality Development Framework as we see this a much more supportive mechanism than quality assurance usually derives. We provide all trained Educators with a range of pathways designed to support them in building their confidence and ensuring the high quality delivery of their group sessions.

Once trained it is expected that all Educators will go through a process of quality development in the main this consists of:

  • Self and peer reflections using our DESMOND Reflection and Action Plans (RAP) after each delivery

  • A mentoring visit after delivery of five-six patient groups or after six months, whichever comes first - this is where a member of the DESMOND Assessment team observes the Educators in action using the DESMOND Assessment Tools (DAT) and carries out a reflection with each Educator at the end

  • An assessment visit approximately another six months after mentoring, or this can be sooner if the Educator delivers a large number of groups. Again a member of the DESMONS Assessment team will observe the Educators in action using the DAT and with a reflection at the end.

  • It is hoped that after the assessment visit that the Educator becomes Accredited, receiving a certificate of achievement for this

  • After three-years all accredited Educators must go through a process of reaccreditation in order to remain an accredited DESMOND Educator.

  • If an Educator lapses in their delivery then we have a specific Lapsed Educator pathway to assist them and their organisations in guiding the Educator back to delivering.

For further information about Quality Development for Educators, or if you are an Educator and would like to book a visit please email us on desmondqd@uhl-tr.nhs.uk


If you are a DESMOND Educator, and would like to access the QD Tools please visit https://www.desmond.nhs.uk/embedding-posts/qd (you will need the password to enter - you should find this in recent correspondence from national office)

For the DESMOND Observation Tool (DOT) used to establish the % of Educator to participant speaking please feel free to download this below:

DOT Tool download

Quality development drop in sessions

Are you looking to book a DESMOND observation visit to work towards becoming an accredited DESMOND Educator? 

Or are you a colleague supporting a DESMOND Educator(s) in your team with the accreditation pathway?

The DESMOND National Team are here to support you by answering any questions, however minor, you may have about the process. 

We are hosting 30-minute group drop-in Q&A sessions around the accreditation pathway, whereby you can speak with a member of the DESMOND National Team about any queries or concerns you may have. 

The pathway is designed to be a supportive process and we are here to offer you that support straight away from the offset!

Here's what DESMOND Educator, Sharon, had to say about the process...

She (DESMOND Trainer/Assessor) was so giving in her feedback in the initial stages and this allowed me to succeed so well.  More importantly though it has allowed me to forgive myself more easily when I get things wrong as I can really see now that this is the path to improving knowledge and performance and be a more balanced person in life.

Please email desmondqd@uhl-tr.nhs.uk for the link to these drop in sessions.