First steps in self-management education for people with Type 2 diabetes.
Our Newly Diagnosed and Foundation programme is group-based education which aims to support people with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes and work with them to self-manage their condition, through a structured education programme to target lifestyle modification and behaviour change which can be culturally adapted to suit your local population. A digital-version of the programme is available on our MyDESMOND platform, click here to found out more.
What does this look like?
Six hours of structured self management group education which can be delivered virtual or in-person
Delivered by two trained Educators - training for healthcare professionals and lay educators available
Delivered in one-day or two half-day formats (or 3 x two-hour if delivering virtually)
Newly Diagnosed Module – for those within first 12 months of diagnosis
Foundation Modules – for those with established type 2 diabetes
Or offered as a mixed group for those both newly diagnosed and with more established type 2 diabetes
In groups of up to 10 participants who may wish to bring a partner/friend with them
Supported by specially developed resources appropriate to the mode of delivery
When delivered in-person deliverable in both health-care settings or local community venues
Content includes:
Thoughts and feelings of the participants around type 2 diabetes
Understanding diabetes and glucose: what happens in the body
Understanding the risk factors and complications associated with diabetes
Understanding more about monitoring and medication
How to take control – Food Choices – Physical Activity
Planning for the future
What can this do for your patients?
Lowers HbA1c
Improves other biomedical outcomes
Supports weight reduction
Improve levels of physical activity
Is an effective smoking cessation intervention
Improves understanding of type 2 diabetes and its complications
Reduces depression
Promotes positive behaviour change
Is administered in one dose and effective for 12 months
If you are a healthcare organisation interested in making DESMOND available in your local area please click here for training dates or email us on
If you are a person with Type 2 diabetes wishing to attend a DESMOND course please click the ‘find your nearest centre’ icon at the top of the page to find out what DESMOND programmes are available near you.