Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland

Your Local DESMOND Coordination Team

Name: Victoria Goodier

Telephone: 01642 944321.

Email: victoria.goodier@nhs.net / stees.southteescommunitydiabetesservice@nhs.net for Diabetes Referrals

Times available: Wednesday to Friday 08:00 to 16:00

Localities: DESMOND is currently being delivered throughout Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland

Local Referral Pathway: Referrals received from Health Care Professionals. Referral form emailed from Health Care Professional to Diabetes mailbox, email address as above.

Modules Delivered:

DESMOND Newly Diagnosed module available (for patients up to 12 months post diagnosis) delivered face-to-face

MyDESMOND – Type 2 Diabetes Management - Digital programme for people with Type 2 diabetes. Visit www.mydesmond.com to find out more.


DESMOND is free and is currently delivered face-to-face to newly diagnosed patients over 2 half days, available at the following local venues: 

Redcar Primary Care Hospital

East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital

Langbaurgh House

Cleveland Health Centre

North Ormesby Health Village

Once the referral is received a letter is sent out with an invitation to the chosen venue or alternative, whichever is convenient

As an alternative, at point of received Referral we offer MyDESMOND, which is an online self-management education programme

Participants on DESMOND and MyDESMOND learn more about diabetes, food, medication and how to monitor and self-manage their condition.

North EastMichael Bonar